Tag: #blog

My Top Picks From Le Bébé Coo

I was introduced to Le Bébé Coo recently and am thrilled to have discovered such a fantastic beauty product line.

Save VS Splurge

Seeing as it’s almost Valentine’s Day, yes, I am counting down the days – I decided to treat myself to

This is Why I Love Plume Lash

This week I am left feeling inspired after discovering the world of Plume. Founded by First Lady, Lauren Bilon, after

Clio Palm Perfect Shaver Review

You should know by now I’m beyond passionate about innovative new beauty gadgets, at first, I wasn’t so sure about

What’s Inside My Gift Izzy Box

  Recently I received my monthly subscription box from Gift Izzy, and it’s definitely worth blogging about! If you’ve never

Bye Bye Foundation by IT Cosmetics

Loving my new Bye Bye Foundation from It Cosmetics! So light, it’s been holding up in this hot humidity in Florida!

Alison Housten

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